Yearly Archives: 2024

PROTECT FREEDOM OF SPEECH This is a critical time for freedom of speech in the United States. This issue surfaces in many different ways, at all levels of government, from the federal level, to the state level and even at the local level. For those who want to protect the […]


THE GREEN PARTY OF NEW JERSEY ENDORSES THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT PUT FORWARD BY THE GPUS PEACE ACTION COMMITTEE IN OCTOBER OF 2023: OCTOBER 30, 2023 Statement on Gaza War   The Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) urges that the party participate in the wave of worldwide mass protests against […]

Statement on Gaza War

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash My recent trip to Cuba opened up a heated debate and taught me so much! MADELYN HOFFMAN   January, 2024 On January 9th, I had just returned to Colombia from Cuba. My memories of Cuba and my time spent there are still vivid and keep pulling me back. […]

Why visit Cuba today?