
What does it mean to be a Green Party of New Jersey member?


Membership in the Party is open to all persons who:


(a) pay annual dues to GPNJ ($25), and/or

(b) are listed as “Green Party” registrants with the State of New Jersey.


Additionally, the Executive Committee may extend membership to New Jersey residents who are not otherwise eligible to register to vote, but who affirm in writing their support for the principles and purposes of the Party (the Four Pillars and the Ten Key Values).


As a member, you are eligible to run for state party leadership, join a committee, participate in our discussions and planning, and have access to occasional special events/trainings/workshops.


To pay dues online, go to


Or pay by check to Green Party of New Jersey, P.O. Box: 9802
Trenton, NJ 08650-9802


Learn more by emailing