The Green Party of New Jersey runs candidates for political office aligned with the party’s 4 pillars, peace, ecology, democracy, and social justice, 10 key values, and platform. We are an activist organization working in our North, Central, South, and Jersey Shore communities. Make a donation NOW to support our anti-capitalist activism & politics!
Communications – 1st Monday of the month 8 PM
Finance – 2nd Wednesday of the month 7:30 PM
Action – 2nd Thursday of the month 8 PM
Elections – 3rd Thursday of the month 8 PM
Membership – 4th Thursday of the month 7 PM
Policy – 4th Thursday of the month 8 PM
State Meeting – 4th Sunday of the month 1:30 PM
Green Council – 2nd & 4th Monday of the month 8 PM
Note: The petition below (from AMP) is to stop NJ Assembly Bill A3558 from coming out of Committee to the Assembly floor.

New Jersey Zionists are pushing A3558, a dangerous bill that adopts the flawed IHRA definition of antisemitism to suppress our activism for Palestine. This bill aims to silence us and prevent the truth from being heard, but we won’t let them succeed!
Take action now! Use the action tool via the button below, to email the NJ Assembly Leadership and bill sponsors to oppose A3558. Let them know we will not back down—we are committed to defending our constitutional right to organize and advocate for Palestinian rights!
ATTENTION: Join the Green Party in signing on to the FREE SPEECH petition put forward by Fight Back Better and let the NJ Legislature know that the infringement on free speech that is being proposed is unacceptable.
There are a pair of laws being promoted in the NJ Senate (S1292, S2937) and a corresponding version of one of the laws in the NJ Assembly (A3558) . One proposed law set (S1292 / A3558) would impose the “IHRA” fictitious definition of anti-Semitism which falsely identifies criticism of Israel as “antisemitism” as NJ state’s legally accepted definition of antisemitism.
The other proposed law S2937 – which currently only has a NJ Senate version provides the enforcement mechanism. It calls for the removal of NJ state funding from any school, library, college, local town, non-profit or any other recipient if found to be lacking strict adherence to enforcing the false conflation of criticism of Israel as antisemitism.
First it was the “gutting” of the OPRA Law, now they want to keep 3rd Party and Independent Candidates off the ballot by increasing the number of signatures required on candidate petitions. The Assembly Bill has already passed, and on Tuesday, 1/14/2025 the State Senate skipped voting on the same, as amendments are being made. Please sign the petition below. We will keep you up to date as to the status of the Senate bill. We will fight this affront to democracy!

Not one day in prison! No fine in Uhuru 3 sentencing victory!

Save Silwan, Palestine -- Sanction Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Arieh King

!!! GPNJ Bylaw Changes for review prior to the May 4th, 2024 State Convention !!!
Submitted April 2nd 2024
The following are proposals for changes to the current 2021 Green Party of New Jersey Bylaws for consideration by Greens at the 2024 Annual Convention.
Section 5 – Executive Committee
Original 2019 Section:
Section 5 — Executive Committee
Section 5.1 – Composition
2021 Amendment: Split C & D leaving C as is and altering D to be a 1 year break instead of 2 years.
Current bylaws were not updated correctly in 2021, as shown in italics above. This bylaw will be restored, applying above amendments.
2024 Proposed Bylaw Change #1: Sect. 5.1 (c) should be altered and worded as below (changes in italics):
(c) An Officer may serve on the Executive Committee for two (2) full terms in the same office, after which a period of one year must intervene before the person may again hold that office. An exception is made for the office of Treasurer. If there are no nominees for a vital position, an existing officer can be reinstated in that position with a consensus vote (100%) of attendees at the Annual State Convention, for a term of 1 year.
With regard to Sect. 5.1 (c), it is submitted that while such provisions encouraging wider participation in important positions are laudable, for smaller organizations they can and do conflict with efficient operation. If an Executive officer is not performing to standards, the annual election should provide for adequate accountability as well as adequate democracy. Leaving a vital position vacant would hinder the ability of the party to continue in its functions.
Current Section 5.2
Section 5.2 — Co-chairs
The three Co-chairs of the Party shall rotate presiding at meetings of the Party and of the Executive Committee; issue a call for a Special Convention or a special meeting of the Executive Committee or the New Jersey Green Council when deemed necessary; and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Party or the Executive Committee.
The three Co-chairs of the Party shall decide together which of them will be members of which Committees, based on each co-chair’s skills. All standing committees must have at least one of the Party Co-chairs as a member.
The three Co-chairs of the Party shall be responsible for promoting those issues primarily concerning traditionally disenfranchised groups, and for recruiting for positions of leadership in the Party from among those sectors.
2024 Proposed Bylaw Change #2:
Delete third paragraph in bold.
While laudable, stylistically the Green Council should delete the last paragraph of Sect. 5.2, given the purpose of bylaws as rules and procedures, as opposed to substantive policies which are listed in the platform and the pillars and values in these bylaws.
2024 Proposed Bylaw Change #3:
Change item (b) of Section 6.5 to read:
The New Jersey Green Council is required to meet two (2) times each month, with the scheduled days at the discretion of the Co-Chairs. A simple majority of the New Jersey Green Council members shall constitute a quorum.
Though much can be accomplished via electronic means (emails, chats, etc.), live (via Zoom or in person) interaction creates better communication and speeds the ability for all parties to understand an issue. At times the discussion process is elongated when done strictly via electronic means. Meeting twice a month for an hour to an hour and a half meeting does not create a burden that would affect any Green Council member from being able to uphold their responsibilities elsewhere.
Recent Posts
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GPNJ Denounces the Israeli Occupation Forces’ Plan to Wage a Ground Invasion in Rafah
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The Green Party of New Jersey Stands with the Uhuru 3
Why visit Cuba today?
Green Party of New Jersey’s Statement on US/UK military action against Yemen
The Role and Impacts of U.S. intervention in Latin America (in English and in Spanish)

Long time GPNJ Member, Margie MacWilliams performs two musical interludes below.
Thanks Margie!